Top 7 Reasons to Attend OM Fest This Year

 In Blog

Maybe you are on the fence about taking a Yoga class somewhere other than your favorite studio, or perhaps on the fence about trying Yoga at all; consider these seven things before you decide how you’ll be spending your day on April 27, 2019. The top seven reasons to attend the Las Vegas OM Fest this year are:

  • Make new connections. The Las Vegas area has so many fabulous Yoga studios in every area, but that means the Las Vegas Yoga community is quite spread out. OM Fest allows all the studios to get together in one place and like-minded people can connect.
  • Explore different routes to greater wellness. Yoga and meditation have a variety of beautiful traditions that can all increase happiness and health. Attending OM Fest is an ideal way to see which types of Yoga and meditative practices resonate with you.
  • Get outside. Yoga has a reputation for making people feel great and so does spending time outdoors. Doing Yoga outside compounds that goodness!
  • Family friendly activities are hard to find. Not only are kids welcome at OM Fest, they  get in free! Even if you do not have kids yourself, you probably have friends with kids who you don’t see as often as you’d like. Take advantage of the opportunity to do something together and invite them to come along.
  • Curb your FOMO. “Fear of Missing Out” can actually have a positive impact on your life if it motivates you to do positive things. This gathering only happens once a year and every year is different. If you’re feeling a little bit sluggish on April 27th remind yourself how special this Las Vegas Yoga and meditation festival is going to be and don’t let anything stop you from being there. Experience the power in numbers. There is something special about practicing Yoga or meditating in a (very!) large group. If you’ve never experienced it, OM fest is the perfect place to find out what this feels like. If you have experienced it then you’ve probably already purchased your ticket.
  • There is something for everyone. Never done Yoga before? Great! Beginners are welcome. Want to bring a friend who is obsessed with Vinyasa but has never tried your favorite Kundalini class? At OM Fest you can enjoy both styles of Yoga.

For questions about OM Fest please email Tickets can be purchased at on the website or at Eventbrite.

Hope to see you there!


OM FEST Yoga Meditation Festival 2019 on The Lawn at Downtown Summerlin®OM FEST Yoga Meditation Festival 2019 on The Lawn at Downtown Summerlin®